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Equine Light Therapy

Welcome to your new and unique Infra red/red light healing product.

  • Our Products

    Designed to help promote your horse’s general health and wellbeing, prevent injury and aid recovery in a safe and natural way. The innovative infrared light therapy pad can effectively stimulate the natural healing process in the horse’s body.

    Please browse our wide range of products to see what is most likely to benefit your horse.

  • What can our product do?

    Our products provide a non-invasive and effective healing method. They can alleviate issues such as muscle or ligament inflammation, sores, sprains, swellings and even old wounds. The pads provide a therapeutic healing effect and can even contribute as a performance booster for your horse. The pads warm up the muscles and tendons of your horse for exercise but at the same time can be used to help cool them down and recover from energy consuming tasks.